Wafer & die sawing
Our Disco™ saw can automatically dice wafers up to 8’’ in diameter (or 250x250mm workpieces) into rectangular pieces of any size. We stock a large quantity of blades to fit various materials and substrate thicknesses.
- Compatible materials: Si, InP, GaAs, GaP, Ge, Glass, LiNbO3, Ceramics
- Wafers up to 6’’
- Substrate thickness 0.2 mm to 5 mm
- Sawing line accuracy: +/- 2 µm
- Sawing line parallelism:
- Kerf width: < 40 µm (crystalline Si)
Left: our DAD3350 Disco saw handles up to 8’’ wafers.
Right: Precision-sawn sensor arrays on a 4’’ Si wafer